Huwebes, Marso 14, 2013

Lesson 12 The Power of Film, Video, and Tv in the Classroom

                          This lesson is all about the power of film, and television in the classroom, next to the home and school, I believe television to have a more profound influence on the human race than any other medium of communication. The film, the video and the tv are indeed very powerful that Dale says: it transmit a wide range of audio, it bring models of excellence to the viewer, it bring the world reality to the home and to the classroom through a live broadcast or as mediated through film or videotape, make us see and hear for ourselves world events as they happen, be the most believable news source, make some programs understandable and appealing to a wide variety of age and educational levels, it become a great equalizer of educational opportunity, provide us with sounds and sights not easily available even to the viewer of areal event through long shots, can give opportunity to teachers to view themselves while they teach for purposes of self improvements, can be both instructive and enjoyable.
                         Films are powerful communicators because a person remembers five times more of what he hears and sees (as opposed to what he only hears). The visual element gives the motion picture its special impact; and the bigger the image, the greater the impact. Yet the visual element is often neglected when people show videos. I learned also the basic procedures in the use of TV as a supplementary enrichment, the following are: prepare the classroom, Pre-viewing activities, viewing, and post viewing. The film, video and tv are powerful instructional tools. When they are used appropriately and moderately, they can make the teaching-learning process more concrete, lively, colorful and interactive. It contributes to a more lasting learning because of its visual, audio and motion effects.


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