Martes, Pebrero 12, 2013

Lesson 10 Demonstrations in Teaching

                     In the demonstration of a new product, the speaker shows the product, tells all the good things about the product to promote it in order to convince the audience that the product is worth buying.
 A demonstration is a teaching method used with both large and small groups. Demonstrations
become more effective when verbalization accompanies them. For example, in a half
demonstration-half lecture, an explanation accompanies the actions performed. It is a generally
accepted learning theory that the greater the degree of active participation and sensory
involvement by the learner, the more effective learning will be.

Utilize several senses; students can see, hear, and possibly experience an actual event
Stimulate interest
Present ideas and concepts more clearly
Provide direct experiences
Reinforce learning
May fail
May limit participation
May limit audience/client input
Require pre-preparation


                        Demonstrations are valuable tools for teaching both concrete techniques (skills) and abstract concepts (principles). A good demonstration permits a student to learn by observation, a skill we use innately when learning to talk, walk, and even clap our hands. They can be used to teach techniques like conducting a counseling session, using a computer program, or drawing blood for analysis.

Lesson 9 Teaching with dramatized Experiences

                                                        Teaching with Dramatized Experiences

                                All dramatization is essentially a process of communication, in which both participant and spectators are engaged. A creative interaction takes place, a sharing of ideas.Dramatic entrance is something that catches and holds our attention and has an emotional impact. Dramatization of a story means that we are “inside” of events and not “outside”, as often in story reading activity. “the pupils can be liberate to explore, what they understand of the original author’s ideas, they can embellish, expand, create one.
                              Dramatizations together with adults offer an opportunity not only to observe but to practice ‘acting’ skills as well. We can conclude that the story gives shared content to children’s play activity and creates strong motivation.Dramatized experience can range from the formal plays, pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime, puppets, and role playing.

      Plays-depict life, character, or culture or the combination of all three.They offer excellent opportunities to portray vividly important ideas about life.
      Pageants -are usually community dramas that are based on local history, presented by local actors.An example is the historical pageant that traces the growth of a school.
      Pantomime- is the art of conveying a story through bodily movements only.It affects on the audience depends on the movements of the actors.
      Tableau- a french word which means picture. It is a picture-like scene composed of people against a background.It is often used to celebrate Independence Day, Christmas and United Nations day.

            Teaching with dramatized experiences could also include the use of different kinds of puppets which can present ideas with extreme simplicity. As instructional device, the puppet show can involve the entire group of students.
The common puppets use are:
Shadow puppets- flat black silhouette made from light weight cardboard and shown behind the screen.
Rod puppets- flat cut out fingers tacked to a stick.,with one or movable parts, and operated from below the stage level by wire rods or slender sticks.
Hand puppets- the puppet's head is operated by the forefinger the puppeteer, the little finger and thumb being used to animate the puppet hands.
Glove-and-finger-puppet- make use of old gloves to which  small costumed figure are attached.
Marionettes- flexible, jointed puppets operated by strings or wires attached to a cross bar.