Lunes, Nobyembre 26, 2012

Lesson 2 Technology Boon or Bane?


          Technology Bane is nothing but something harmful or against nature or in simple disadvantage Where as boon is advantages.A boon is something to be thankful for, it is a blessing and a benefit. A bane causes misery and distress and just like all the other advancements in technology can make life more comfortable.. sometimes were suppose to do it for our benefit, to make our lives easier but somehow it hasn't quite. it can worked out the way with fast computer, the internet, cellphone, our i pod . today were always tethered to the network and sometimes it seems bidding instead to doing our. there so much to do it come us so fast, and it has to be done now...its depend to choose between making wrong or right to educational technology

Lunes, Nobyembre 19, 2012

lesson1 educational technology

Educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media.  teaching and learning in the classroom and in online environments.Technology field we’ll highlight innovative ways to use the tools at your disposal, and discuss the purposes and functions of emerging help the students how to use technology specially in education profession, As one , teaching still consists of the same basic elements
technology in the classroom has changed drastically over time.  Education technology is every teacher’s friend and should be utilized in as many creative and effective ways as is possible.Because educational technology blogs are spread out all over the Web, I have attempted to create a listing of some of the most popular, Most of them defy categorization, and often deal with issues that are not necessarily related to educational technology,its so useful  ...